Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Topsy turvy world

everyday when i flip through the daily papers or scan the on-line news, the dreaded word 'inflation' is bound to appear ... we live now in interesting times. many people now have to live with higher prices .. which is not such a bad thing because it is the best way for us to learn that resources (water, fuel, food etc) are limited and we should use it wisely without waste. unfortunately the ppl who have to bear the brunt of this lesson are the lower income group members, who suddenly see necessity expenses (such as food) consuming a large part of their salary (because salary hasn't gone up as much as food prices). but for those with $$$, life is not too bad. the sellers have to fight harder now for business because a big group of ppl are spending less on non-necessity items. so retailers like hypermarkets are advertising that the prices of some of their products are even lower than the year before, and beauty centers are bringing down prices to entice ppl to continue pampering themselves despite 'difficult' times. i wonder what the world will be like 10 years from today ...

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